

Horses innately help us become grounded in our bodies, the first step to understanding instinctual and intuitive abilities. In order to hear our intuition, we must first be securely lodged within our physical bodies.



We are offered the gift of companionship and we learn how to co-exist with another species. Through this act, we come to learn that we are all interconnected, a vast web of life, expanding around the globe, linking us to everything that exist. We are no longer alone.



Horses represent the ability to live fully within their power. They urge us to be more ourselves; more comfortable and secure in our personal power and our sense of ownership over our lives. They demand that we become self-confident enough to experience our greatness.

It’s all about the Heart.

Horses can heal our heart when we allows ourselves to attune to theirs. The electromagnetic field of a Horse’s Heart energy is five times the potency of the Human Heart energy. When we open our hearts up to the healing love emitted from the Horse Heart energy, we allow ourselves to release stagnant energy blocks, and open ourselves up to the Life of our dreams!

According to HeartMath Institute:

"....the heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body's organs. The heart's electric field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.  This field, measured in the form of electrocardiogram (ECG) can be detected anywhere on the surface of the body.  Furthermore, the magneticfield produced by the heart is 5,000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain and can be detected a number of feet away from the body in all directions."

The electromagnetic field of the horse's heart is five times greater than ours…

Therefore, making their sensitivity to the energetics of their environment around them more acute, thus picking up the energy we are omitting. For example, our emotions carry different energies. The horses will feel these energies and respond to them, presenting to us what we are feeling, even when we are unaware ourselves.

The horse's heart beats three times slower than ours. When we intentionally connect to our breath and become conscious of our own heart beat, our heart and body connects to the powerful Horse-Heart energy grid, and we experience a sense of relief. Horses can heal our hearts when we attune ourselves to theirs.

Connect yourself.

Your journey in life is a wild one, and you are worthy of exploring it! Inquire and connect with us today, whether it’s to learn more about our unique coaching packages, or schedule a private exploration call.