Return to Self

A five Session Transformative Coaching Experience through the Mystical Horse-Human Relationship.

Who do you want be in your World?

Your World revolves around you. There isn’t anything you can’t have, be, or do - so says Universal Law of Prosperity. With that being said, we often times limit ourselves into becoming the ideal version of ourselves because of the stories we keep ourselves in. Through relationship with Horses, you will begin to understand and believe in the Limitlessness and the Greatness you wield as Human Being!

How often do you find yourself…

  • Feeling depressed and disconnected from yourself and relationships in your life?

  • Experiencing an identity crisis, constantly questioning who you are and why you’re here?

  • Feeling apathetic, lost, passionless?

  • Questioning the “bigger picture” that is your life?

  • Trapped in constant self-judgement, ridicule, and comparison way of thinking?

What if the Horse were your teacher towards ultimate self-discover…?

Everything on this Earth vibrates energy, yourself included, Dearest Human. Your words emit emotion, and your emotion emits chemistry, which makes up your vibrational standing point on this Earth.

It’s time to reconnect you with your roots that belong on this planet. For you are masterful, powerful Being that creates worlds! Including your own…

In this 5-week equine facilitated coaching experience, you will fall in love with yourself all over again by reflecting with yourself, through Horses. You will discover a connection with yourself that you have yet to experience before!

Release the stories that hold you back, tame the Ego that keeps you trapped, return to instinct, re-align with intuition. This is Return to Self.

The Horses, unified in the One Consciousness that is The Herd, invite you to connect with them. Via connection with The Herd, you discover the unique connection within yourself.

It’s time to Return to Self, Dear One, and remember who you really are.

What’s the story you tell yourself?

Horses don’t see us for our stories; they see us for our truth. Truth is Universal, and the stories we tell ourselves are often times misaligned from the truth we were born into. The Horses are gentle teachers to bring us back into connection with the Universal Truth we have become disconnected from. In tandem with Horses, you will strengthen your relationship with your Truth and speak it into existence.


Our Ego can be defined as our self-identity, how we relate to and perceive our external world. Our identity within our life is created around our Ego. When we are creating stronger identity with the Self, we must learn to navigate and “train” the Ego to work with us. Unconsciously, many of us fall victim to negative self-talk. When we commit to Returning to Self, we commit ourself to The Work that is taming the unconscious, negative thoughts that hinder us from deeper relationship with the self.

The Horses serve as masterful teachers when it comes to identity discovery. Where Ego might try and convince you at any point that you are less than, the Horses remain grounded in Universal Truth and demand that you begin the process of stepping into your Greatness by remembering your Truth.



Instincts are our motivators in this life. It is in instinct where we hold the Will to Survive. But darling, you were born to thrive.

As Human, it’s not uncommon that we get disconnected from our intrinsic nature, the “inner knowing” that is housed in our gut. We are beautifully complex beings with thought patterns, and programming beliefs. However, too often, we get lost in our head and disconnected from our body. It is in our body where we learn to reconnect with our deep, inner instincts.

Horses serve us in the gentle unfolding of reconnection with our Instinct. They are prey animals that exist harmoniously amongst one another within The Herd. Their instincts connect them into the energy grids of both surviving and thriving. Amongst them, you will learn body-mind-spirit connection with yourself.


As you begin the process of listening to your “gut instincts”, you awaken yourself towards alignment with Intuition. Intuition resides in all of us; it is our foundational connection towards Spiritual wellbeing. As we explore the energetics of ourselves in tandem with Earth, we uncover deeper understanding with Spiritual connection on our planet.

Horses are direct channels into Spiritual alignment. They are conduits of the energies of our world. Because they are prey animals, they are naturally attuned into the energetics of their surroundings. They exist in energetic equilibrium that is The Herd, and therefore only know homeostasis.

We are gifted the opportunity to strengthen our intuitive abilities in tandem with horses.


  • Identity Work: The Stories You Tell Yourself

    • Blunt Self Honesty: Where are you currently?

    • Intention Setting: Where do you want to go?

    • Personable Action Steps: What needs to be done to close the gap?


  • Ego Death: Re-wiring the Brain to Work With You

    • The Magic Spell of our Words

    • Speaking Truth into Existence

    • Taming the Beast of Self-Doubt


  • Uncovering Intrinsic Knowing: Surviving vs. Thriving

    • Body Attunement

    • The Energetics of our Breath

    • Mind-Body Connection


  • Intuition: Spiritual Wellbeing

    • Your Unique Energetic Fingerprint

    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

    • Own your impact


  • Return to Self: Welcome Home

    • Ultimate reflection with The Herd

    • Homeostasis within the Self

    • Homecoming back to Truth

