Live the Life of your Desires.

Your World and life experiences revolve entirely around you! You are the most potent, powerful being at the center of the Universe and are the Universe itself experiencing a Human Life. You are limitless in all you can have!

What’s the Life you want to live?

Whether life is “good” or “bad”, we often find ourselves in deep transitional phases. Just as the seasons ebb and flow, or as the weather cycles in change, we can learn to experience our own seasons of life with grace and ease. We begin the process of taking example around us to embrace the fluidity of Life’s offerings. Where the journey feels wild and untamed at times, Horses - our Divine Partners - serve alongside us as we embark on a transformative evolution, collectively and individually.

By attuning ourselves to the natural cycles of Life, we reconnect to our inner instinct, awaken our sense of intuition, and embrace inner-peace, ultimately inviting us into our homecoming.

The Horses teach us to observe our life, and embrace the flow state that our Earth resonates in, so we may begin the attunement process that allows us to reconnect to our deeper, intrinsic power.

What if you could attune to a new vision of Life and begin seeing it as seasonal cycles?


Do you ever find yourself…

  • Daydreaming about your ideal life, career, or relationship, but are too scared to pursue anything?

  • Feeling disconnected from your relationships in life (intimate, family, work, etc.), and feeling hopeless in changing it?

  • Struggling with sexual intimacy, and afraid to step into pleasure?

  • Trapped in a linear way of thinking, and constantly comparing yourself to others “ahead” of you?

  • Wanting to cultivate support in community as you embark on new daily habit settings?

  • Curious about Universal Law, and how it shows up in your everyday life experiences?

  • Curious about meditation and spirituality and how it can help improve your daily life?

  • Questioning what Human Nature is and how you can connect deeper into it?

  • Wanting to strengthen your relationship with nature, Mother Gaia, Source, and don’t know where to begin?

  • Called to work in harmony with animals, and learn their life-teachings?

What if Horses were the key to unlocking the dreams of your deepest desires?

The Journey Wild™ is on a mission to re-wild you back into your Human Nature, by connecting you to your healing roots via the Soul of a Horse, so that you may experience the unique power that is your Human Being.


It is in our Heart where we experience the most energetic and emotional blockages.  

Did you know the Human heart wields the strongest magnetic currency in your body? 
Have you ever heard the expression “leading with your Heart”? 
Did you know a Horse’s heart is seven times the size of a Human’s? 

Opening our Hearts is the key to transformation. But how do we do that when we have experienced so much trauma and pain? 

Love is transformational, and the Human-Horse relationship is the most mystical experience any one of us can encounter, because of the deep emotions of profound Love we can experience! 

On a magnetic level, the Horse heart frequency is 7x stronger than that of a Human’s. Meaning its magnetic pulse can influence the atmosphere around it, and promote deep, transformational shifts in our Energetic and Physical sphere.  

When we allow ourselves to down regulate and slow our heartbeat to that of a Horse, we witness a most magical shift occur in our body as we attune to the Heart frequency of Horses.  We experience what true Heart Opening can look like and feel like. When we live life with an Open Heart, we learn that life happens through us, versus to us. 

This is where our journey wild into transformation begins. 

Schedule a free 30 minute phone consultation to learn how horses can serve and transform your life!